Bekti and Adam, the lost children of HILANDERS 93, finally arise from their grieve !

bektiBekti or Edi Tanzil ?

Bekti, the first lost child of hilanders 93, now live in Finland. We don't know exactly what the heck is he doing there, I wish he's doing something legal :P. We loss his contact for about 10 years, our last meeting was in some English Course in Bandung, as he was a trainer there, located in Purnawarman Street. OK bek, if you read this article, comment my man !

AdamM Adam Priawibawa

Adam, the shy guy. He was fall in love to death to Asti (another female 93 hilanders)..and fought for it, finally after years, Asti becoming his WIFE ! That's a spectaculair story actually ! No one knows whos the paranormal he use ! :P

He's now working at PT.Freeport Indonesia, far far away from anywhere :p but a lot of bucks !

If you got any informations about thewe two gentlemen feel free to give us a comment !


Anonymous said...

Lho bek, kakak lu yang cakep itu dimana sekarang ? Masih single gak dia :P

Dam, asti dimana potonya, FS nya apaan ?